We proudly supports independent artists and yoga teachers. Every purchase directly supports an independent yoga teacher and artist.

exclusive curated artist designed yoga mats

Yoga mat testimonials

Get rid of your old mat and step onto a fresh Sankalpa (Phoenix Project) artist designed yoga mat. Sankalpa (Phoenix Project) creates amazing designed yoga mats that are great quality and eco-friendly. A different artist creates every design and your purchase directly supports independent artists from all over the world!

Rachel Brathen | @yogagirl

Phoenix Project Mats are like a second skin. The texture feels like suede - soft and melts along with your body as you move and lay down in savasana. No need for messy towels - this mat soaks up sweat and provides perfect traction.

Amy Rose | @amyroseyoga

This mat absorbs a ton of sweat! I am a waterfall of persperation and at no point do I slip. The design provides amazing drishti points for focus.

Morgan Lee | @ashtanganurse

Amazing mats that have a no-slip surface unlike anything I’ve experienced, and hold up during a sweaty practice like Ashtanga. This company is the coolest!